Upcoming Graduate Classes

Fall 2024

Biblical Languages and Technology

 Dr. Stephen Smith & Dr. Philip Brown

Biblical Languages and Technology is an introduction to how language works, including Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek, as well as to the use of technology in the study of Biblical texts.

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BITH 500 || Biblical Theology & Exegesis

Old Testament Introduction

Dr. Philip Brown

Old Testament Introduction introduces the literature of the Old Testament in its socio-historical, literary, and canonical contexts, methods of Old Testament study, and critical issues of Old Testament formation and interpretation.

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BITH 502 || Biblical Theology & Exegesis

Biblical Hermeneutics

Dr. Stephen Smith

Biblical Hermeneutics examines the principles and practice of biblical interpretation as well as the primary tools of biblical research.

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BITH 580 || Biblical Theology & Exegesis

Christ-Centered Expository Preaching

Dr. R. G. Hutchison

Christ-Centered Expository Preaching combines exegesis with the gospel-based evangelical thrust of Christ-centered preaching.

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PRTH 512 || Practical Theology, Homiletics

Biblical Theology of Preaching

Dr. R. G. Hutchison

Biblical Theology of Preaching investigates the biblical and theological foundations that support and shape the practice of preaching. Students will learn how the concept of preaching is unfolded across both Old and New Testaments, as well as the primary biblical paradigms that inform our concept of preaching today. Drawing on these paradigms, students will develop and apply a biblically-grounded, personal theology of preaching.

PRTH514 || Practical Theology, Homiletics

Biblical Theology of Christian Worship

Dr. Paul Peak

Biblical Theology of Christian Worship provides an overview of principles of Christian worship and examines the Bible’s concepts and practices of worship.

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PRTH 520 || Practical Theology, Worship

Helping Skills for Christian Counseling

Dr. Andrew Graham

An overview of effective helping strategies used to provide ethical care and Christian counseling to those in distress. Students will have the opportunity to develop theologically-sound skills that can be used in a variety of ministry contexts.

Prerequisite: PRTH530

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PRTH 531 || Practical Theology, Christian Counseling

Conflict Management and Resolution

Dr. John Whitaker

Conflict Management & Resolution explores the basic theories and concepts of conflict resolution: its philosophical and historical development, paradigms, structure and function, and issues and trends in the field. It will examine ways to implement conflict management and resolution from a Biblical perspective into the students personal life, workplace, and ministry settings. Students will investigate the theoretical and practical aspects of conflict assessment, negotiation, problem solving, mediation, and arbitration.

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PRTH 552 || Practical Theology, Leadership

Advanced Systematic Theology

Dr. Mark Bird

An investigation of the themes that comprise Christian systematic theology. We will focus on theology as a discipline, with application to life and service.

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SYTH 500 || Systematic Theology

Wesleyan-Arminian Theology

Dr. David Fry

Wesleyan-Arminian Theology is a systematic study of theological themes in the tradition of Jacob Arminius and Reformed theology and that tradition’s appropriation and development in the Wesleyan tradition.

Note: This course may be take as a Historical Theology or Systematic Theology elective.

More information

SYTH 510 || Systematic Theology, Historical Theology

Graduate Program Calendar

    Summer 2024 Dates

    • May  27th: Classes Convene
    • June 1st: Fall Application Deadline
    • July 1-6th: Summer Break
    • July 15th: Fall Registration Deadline
    • July 27th: Classes End

    Fall 2024 Dates

    • August 12th: Classes Convene
    • August 17th: Add/Drop Deadline
    • September 28th: Withdrawal Deadline
    • October 20-26th: Break for Aldersgate Forum
    • November 24-30th: Thanksgiving Break
    • December 1st: Spring Application & Registration Deadline

    For more important dates the the bte365官网地址 Calendar.


    • Do one of the following to register for classes:
      • Matriculated Students – email your advisor
      • Non-Matriculated Students – fill out this registration form

      If you have any questions, email gradinfo@qkkj.net or call 513-763-6575.

    Future Semesters

    Matt Hallam here.

    I’d love to chat about the options that you have through bte365官网地址.

    Call me anytime.

    513-721-7944 x3411
